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  • Myxobacteria are heterotrophs, aerobes and gram negative rod-shaped bacteria


  • Myxobacteria were grouped together under the order myxococcales 


  • Myxobacteria were then further divided into different suborder and family based on their shape of vegetative cell, myxospores and the colonies formed


  • As a whole, there are three suborders, five families, 17 genera and about 50 species of myxobacteria were known today (Dworkin, et al., 2006)

table 1: taxonomic survey of myxobacteria

Table 2: comparison in morphologies between the members of myxococcales suborders


fruiting bodies comparison between different genus (Dworkin, et al., 2006)


  • Later and modern studies which analyse the sequences of their 16S rRNA/DNA shown that myxobacteria are phylogenetically falls among the δ-proteobacteria division together with bdellovibrio and desulfovibrio (Yan, et al., 2003)


  • Unlike desulfovibrio, both bdellovibrio and myxobacteria are aerobes which suggest that these two evolve aerobic properties from their anaerobic sulphur- sulphate-reducing bacteria (Shimkets & Woese, 1992).

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